Friday 24 June 2011

#33 Bundaberg

We arrived at Joule on the hardstand at Port Bundaberg Marina on 14th June. We applied antifoul and completed a number of other maintenance task before having Joule lifted back into the water. We are now at Port Bundaberg Marina. We are steadily completing the many little maintenance task and checks needed before we can confidently head north.

Our batteries had failed when the boat was laid up so we have had to replace all 7 of them! Ouch! We have to get a gas certificate so we can register the boat in Queensland. This turns out to be very costly as our US gas bottles are not certified in OZ, so we have to replace them. Also our regulator and hoses have to be replaced as they do not have Australian Standards printed on them! This work has to be done by a qualified gas fitter. Never mind, Joule is looking great and we'll soon be heading north.

It is great to be back onboard.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

#32 Back onboard

After spending summer at our Melbourne home, Nani returned to Jakarta for a month long holiday visiting family and friends. I also made a short visit during that time.

We will be leaving home for the long drive to Bundaberg this weekend and should be back onboard Joule Tuesday 14th June. This year we plan to cruise northward and spend most of our time in the Whitsunday Islands. Several friends will join us for various periods whilst we are there.